Walgreens is seeking volunteers. 

Are you 30 years or older and have not had cancer in the last 5 years?

Join the Sample Study to help evaluate blood test that detect multiple types of cancer.

Study Overview

Why is This Study important?

Cancer is often found too late. Most lung cancers are still detected at late stage, which has a 5-year relative survival rate of only 6%¹. The Sanderson Study is evaluating blood tests to detect cancer early when it's most treatable.

What is this study about?

This Study is part of a multi-cancer research program focused on developing next-generation blood tests to detect cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages. The study aims to develop blood tests that can provide accurate, convenient, and patient-friendly options for cancer screening.

¹ Source Link or Text Here

Eligibility Criteria

Those who meet the following criteria may be eligible:

  • Age 30 and over

  • Willing to provide a blood sample

  • Do not have signs or symptoms of cancer, or a known cancer diagnosis.

What to Expect?

  1. Complete a brief questionnaire to see if you qualify.

  2. Get a blood draw and answer a few questions about your medical history.

  3. Receive your stipend and our thanks for helping to advance research.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Clinical research is the process of developing medicines or therapies to possibly prevent, treat, or help with diseases. Before a medicine can become available, it must be tested in a series of clinical studies to understand if it is safe and effective. With the help of clinical study participants, researchers are able to find out if and how potential new medicines work.

  • Participation in the Dal-GenE-2 study requires written informed consent for assessments, including genetic testing. You will need to visit the study clinic for screening and randomization. After randomization, you will have virtual visits (where applicable) or clinic visits every 3 months for assessments.

  • An investigational drug is the medication or therapy being researched and evaluated in the clinical study. Clinical studies allow researchers to gather information to determine if and how the medication works before it is available to the general population.

  • A placebo is a substance that is given in the same way as the investigational drug but does not contain any medicine. In a double-blind study like this one, the use of a placebo helps minimize bias in the results.

  • Yes. You can decide to stop at any time.